The Star Brand is back in the Marvel Universe proper and has found itself a brand new bearer. You’ll meet him or her in this preview of Avengers #8. Johnathan Hickman writer and artist Dustin Weaver bring the Star Brand back to the Marvel Universe. In October of 1986 writer Jim Shooter and artist John Romita, Jr. in brought to us Star Brand #1 a comic in something called The New Universe by Marvel Comics. The original Star Brand is a star-shaped tattoo-like mark that first appeared in the comic…
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End of Avengers VS X-Men 12
I had to show when Avengers VS X-Men series will end for you who are reading this Marvel Blockbuster. The biggest comic event of the year comes to its Universe shattering conclusion in Avengers VS. X-Men #12 this October. Which team will reign supreme? Here comes the pain as all your favorite super heroes enter the battle—and only one team will emerge victorious! Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime comic event in, Avengers VS. X-Men #12, on sale October 3rd in comic shops everywhere, on the Marvel…
Read MoreWOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN #9 will be an Avengers Vs. X-Men Tie-in
Media Release— This April, as the Marvel Universe waits on baited breath for the arrival of the all-powerful Phoenix Force, Wolverine must choose a side of the coming war…but will the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning follow? Find out if Logan fights for mutantkind or mankind in Wolverine & The X-Men #9 from the blockbuster creative team of Jason Aaron & Chris Bachalo available in comic shops worldwide and on the Marvel Comics app this April! Which team will reign supreme? Join the conversation on Twitter with #AvX! For…
Read MoreWhat Is The Top Selling Comic Book Issue Of All Times?
I have been around comics for many years and I know comics as well as the next guy but this question got me thinking for a while. What single issue comic sold the most issues of all times. I thought of the Death of Superman in Superman #75, The Amazing Spider-Man #583 (the Obama issue) went into I think six printings, and the Death of Robin in Batman #428 one of the first comic events to make mainstream news. Then I remembered the comic event by Marvel of the 1991…
Read MoreYear 2011 Marvel Lead in Comic Book Sales DC Close Second
Marvel Comics was the leading publisher in Retail Dollar and Unit Market Shares based on total sales of comics, graphic novels and magazines to comic book specialty stores in 2011, according to Diamond Comic Distributors. Justice League #1 was the top seller for the year, with more than 230,000 copies sold to North American retailers across several printings. The top winners in sales DC the New 52, Marvels Mega series, and Image Comics “The Walking Dead”. Marvel, DC Comics and Image Comics all shared 81% of the market share according to…
Read MoreMarvel “Season One” Series Coming New Graphic Novels
MARVEL Season One: It is no secret that the sales of graphic novels has done very well. With the DC success producing with 5 out of the top 10 titles graphic novels and trade paperbacks sold at Diamond and other media outlets, Marvel has a long way to go to catch up. So they have announced a series of graphic novels about the origins of their top comic characters and superhero groups. In the same way of Frank…
Read MoreThe Twelve From Marvel Comics
The Twelve is an American comic book limited series from Marvel Comics, which the company announced in July 2007 would run twelve issues beginning spring 2008
Read MoreCan the Fantastic Four Kill Milestone 600 & FF 12
Continuing what appears to be a week-long line of Fantastic Four/FF-related teasers, Marvel follows the release of yesterday’s Black Bolt image with a shot of Negative Zone tyrant Annihilus..
Read MoreThe Heroic Age of Marvel
“The Heroic Age” is a 2010 comic book storyline that runs through a number of books published by Marvel Comics. It began in May 2010, marking a major change in the status quo of the Marvel Universe after the events of the “Siege” crossover event, much as “The Initiative” and “Dark Reign” dealt with the aftermath of “Civil War” and “Secret Invasion“, respectively. According to Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Joe Quesada, “Heroes will be heroes again… They’ve gone through hell and they’re back to being good guys — a throwback to…
Read MoreThe Second Coming – X-Men
“Messiah Complex” is a comic book crossover about the X-Men which ran from October 2007 to January 2008, published by Marvel Comics. The story is the climax of events that began with “House of M“, which led to the decimation of mutants in the Marvel Universe and the first chapter of a three-part saga, which continued in Messiah War released in 2009 and culminates in The Second Coming, a crossover between all X-Men titles in 2010. I bring this to your attention right now because of the great story about…
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