When Peter Parker was bitten by the radioactive spider that gave him his powers, it managed to bite another before dying. This woman, hidden for years by Ezekiel from Morlun, has been found by Spider-Man… and is the new spider woman known as Silk! Origin Thirteen years ago, during a demonstration on the use of radioactive rays at a science exhibit, a spider was accidentally exposed to the radiation and absorbed large amounts of it. In its dying moments, the arachnid bit the nearest living thing to it, Peter Parker.…
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Amazing Spider-Man #11 Review
Spider-Verse has already gotten a great deal of mileage out of cramming as many versions of Spider-Man onto the page as possible and watching the chaos that unfolds as a result. There’s plenty more of that in this third chapter. However, more compelling than Spider-mania is the long-awaited confrontation between Peter Parker and the man who stole his body and calls himself the Superior Spider-Man. That confrontation is the highlight of another memorable chapter in the Spider-Verse saga. Dan Slott picks up from the chaos of issue #10 as multiple…
Read MoreThe Amazing Spider-Man #6 Review
The Good The roller coaster ride that is Peter Parker’s life continues. Dan Slott hasn’t slowed down since bringing Peter Parker back to the role of Spider-Man. He’s discovered Black Cat is completely ticked off at him (and has teamed up with Electro to build her own criminal empire), a new Spider-person has surfaced who was bitten by the same spider he was (before it died), and last issue we left off with J. Jonah Jameson announcing on live television that Spider-Man has been unmasked. Just another day for Spider-Man.…
Read MoreAmazing Spider-Man #2 review
This issue picks up right where the last issue left off and deals with Peter Parker’s relationship with Anna Maria Marconi. In fact I have to admit the first few pages of this comic had me legitimately surprised. I wasn’t expecting Peter to problem the way he did. SPOILER I was rather shocked when Peter not only openly admitted he was Spider-Man, but explained the entire situation regarding the body-swap with Doc. Ock. I’ll have to admit Anna’s open acceptance of the situation stuck me as a bit strange, but…
Read MoreSpider-Man joined by Silk, New Female Superhero
Lightning can strike twice — and so, apparently, can radioactive spiders. Marvel Comics is introducing a brand new character, a mysterious female super powered figure named Silk, in this Wednesday’s Amazing Spider-Man #1. And though she’s brand new, her origin is familiar to comic book fans. That’s because her spider-based powers come from the same irradiated arachnid as the one that changed the course of Peter Parker’s life. “The spider lived long enough to bite one more person,” explains writer Dan Slott. “When I pitched that idea at one of…
Read MorePeter Parker the True Spider-Man
This is a review of Superior Spider-Man 30 so if you have not read it yet (So where have you been) I suggest you don’t read this post right now but after you read #30. SPOILER ALERT. Superior Spider-Man 30 is one of the most satisfying stories that I have ever read. It has the climax and emotional twist that make a story interesting but mostly it finalizes what we all knew, that from Amazing Spider-Man 700 to Superior Spider-Man #30 Peter Parker is and should be the true hero…
Read MoreSlott And Perez Spider-Man’s Early Years In ‘The Amazing Spider-Man Year One’
Since the release of Frank Miller and David Mazzuchelli’s seminal Batman: Year One, DC has used a similar model and title with several of its heroes, often to great acclaim. Now Marvel has decided to do the same with its flagship character. To coincide with the return of Peter Parker, Marvel has announced The Amazing Spider-Man Year One: Learning To Crawl, a five issue miniseries from Dan Slott and Ramón Pérez that looks back at the wall crawler’s earliest adventures. Talking to the AP, Slott said the story will pay…
Read MoreDan Slott Interview Amazing Spider-Man 1
CBR: Remember Peter Parker? Brown hair, a little nerdy, internationally beloved pop culture icon? Peter’s been mostly absent from Marvel Comics as of late, since the dawn of the “Superior Spider-Man” era in January 2013. As you are very likely familiar with, a circa late 2012 Dan Slott-written storyline saw perennial nemesis Doctor Octopus switched brains with an unwilling Spider-Man, just before Doc Ock’s ailing body met its seemingly permanent end. Things looked just about as bad as they could get for Spidey, but a shred of Peter Parker’s consciousness…
Read MoreMarvel’s Peter Parker Is Coming Back
Recently in Superior Spider-Man 25 we saw the return of ghost Peter Parker which looks like will lead to the real Peter Parker’s return to the pages of Amazing Spider-Man. See the news release below this article. Here is Peter showing his face in Superior Spider-Man 25. Spider-Man comics have been part of the controversy about the killing of Peter Parker, now the real Peter even as “Ghost Peter” it is welcome to many Spider-Man fans to keep their hopes up for his return which has been confirmed with the…
Read MoreIs Dan Slott Loosing Spider-Man?
Well times are changing and people are wondering how long the Superior Spider-Man story can go on. Doctor Octopus as Spider-Man is changing drastically the world that the real Peter Parker built. The teasers from Marvel “The End” hints at the fact that Superior Spider-Man’s existence may be ending, and the teaser Rad! We learned is the start of a new series about the Silver Surfer written by Dan Slott and drawn by Mike Allred. And the 3 part story The Arms Of The Octopus written by Michael Costa has…
Read MoreWho Is Dan Slott?
Who is Dan Slott? He was the bi-monthly writer of Superior Spider-Man the one who devastated Peter Parker’s life in Amazing Spider-Man 700 by putting his mind in the dying body of Doctor Octopus then killing the person of Peter Parker off and giving his body and identity to Doctor Octopus, Otto Octavius, the notorious villain and arch foe of Spider-Man. He is by far the most controversial writer Marvel employs. His storyline has caused millions to get very emotional about the Spider-Man character and Peter Parker. Death threats have…
Read MoreThe Inferior/Superior Spider Man #13
SPOILERS: Starting in November of 2010, Dan Slott became the sole writer of Amazing Spider-Man beginning with the Big Time story arc. He wrote the first major Spider-Man event following Big Time, entitled Spider Island, starting in the summer of 2011. Now Peter Parker is out of the picture and Doctor Octopus, Otto Octavius is in control of Peters body with all the powers that Spider-Man possesses. He is an Avenger and works in a lab for Max Modell is the head of Horizon Labs and has all the resources…
Read MoreSuperior Spider-Man 9 Review Big Changes Ahead
Well it’s Amazing Spider-Man 700 again and the plot thickens. Is any semblance of the real Peter Parker left? Has Doc Ock‘s mind wipe of Peters memories finally eliminated our hero from possession of the body he was born to? The controversy continues and Superior Spider-Man keeps selling at record levels. Is Peter truly a lost soul that will be resolved but not right now. Dan Slott seems resigned to show us Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius in control of Spider-Man and Peters personal life. There has got to be a…
Read MoreSuperior Spider-Man 1 Review See What Dan Slott was Thinking
WARNING SPOILERS: Please if you have not read Superior Spider-Man and don’t want to know anything about till you do don’t read this review. Well we finally learn what Dan Slott was thinking as far as Peter Parker. He is still a great influence in what Doc Oct does with Peters body. Whether in spirit or some psychic control he still in the picture and fighting to find a way back into his body. Dan has always been a good writer and you had to know that he would not…
Read MoreIs Peter Parker Dead? Superior Spider-Man
It truly is a new age in comic writing some things I like and somethings I don’t but that that is the way it is. I just read an exclusive interview by Newsarama with Dan Slott the Marvel writer who changed the Spider-Man character into a so called Superior Spider-Man in the story arc that ended in Amazing Spider-Man 700. I thought I would leave the subject alone for a while to see how fans reacted but could not keep silent after reading the interview. Dan is really committed to…
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