WARNING SPOILERS: Please if you have not read Superior Spider-Man and don’t want to know anything about till you do don’t read this review.
Well we finally learn what Dan Slott was thinking as far as Peter Parker. He is still a great influence in what Doc Oct does with Peters body. Whether in spirit or some psychic control he still in the picture and fighting to find a way back into his body. Dan has always been a good writer and you had to know that he would not defame the name of Spider-Man with the arrogant Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius who would have killed if Peter had not stopped him as Spider-Man in Superior Spider-Man #1. I have to say this is brilliant on Dan’s part to weave a story of hopelessness into one that gives Peter a fighting chance to come back.
I am relieved to see that Marvel and Dan Slott still realize that Peter Parker is Spider-Man of history and their may be another Spider-Man but the is only one original Peter Parker Spider-Man. There is an inter view if Newsrama that tells the thinking of Dan Slott and what he plans in the future for Peter Parker. He says in one part “All of these people who have been so angry for two weeks — ‘How can you possibly do a Spider-Man comic book without Peter Parker?’ — we didn’t! We just didn’t tell you,” Slott said in a video on MTV Geek. “Peter Parker is still in the book.” The whole interview is HERE.
The interview even hints that the Spider-Man of 2099 will be part of the storyline Dan says, “This is not a trick. This is not a prank. You will see Miguel O’Hara in Superior Spider-Man.” What a turn about and many people have to take back the bad words that said about Dan. After all this is comic book drama at its best and Dan is one of the best writers. Hang with us and we will keep you informed. Stay tuned comic faithful for more. 🙂 Walt
Hello. I’m sorry but I knew they would not just get rid of Peter Parker, he will be back in proper place soon I think.
Howdy! I’m definitely happy that Peter is still alive, well sort of alive and has a fighting chance to come back as sole possessor of his body.