A closed Q&A between Marvel Comics and comic book retailers erupted at the New York Comic Con on Thursday after one retailer became vocally critical of the publisher’s decision to change the ethnicity, gender, and sexuality of some of the classic characters, Bleeding Cool reports. The tensions began when an unnamed seller “specifically [expressed] his distaste for Iceman ‘kissing other men,’ and Thor ‘becoming a woman,’” Newsarama writes. “The retailer’s complaints sparked an outcry among the other retailers present in the room, some echoing his frustration, with multiple attendees raising…
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Looks like the legal fight is over from the Joe Simon and Jack Kirby estate lawyers so Titan Comics will premier the Fighting American at the New York Comic Con. 🙂 Walt Andie Tong has completed a new cover for Fighting American #1 that will be sold as a New York Comic Con exclusive from Titan Comics’ booth. Jim Simon, the son of the character’s co-creator Joe Simon, is scheduled to be on-hand at NYCC to help promote the returning title. NYCC is scheduled to take place October 5 through…
Read MoreNYCC “Superman” Interview with Peter Tomasi
“Superman” co-writer Peter Tomasi sits down for an exclusive interview with the Superman Homepage to talk to us about the current comic books, the success of the “Rebirth” era, and bringing fans back to the Man of Steel. Thanks to T.A. Ewart for conducting the interview.
Read MoreWatch: Iron Fist NYCC Trailer
Watch the new trailer for Marvel’s Iron Fist that was shown off at the NYCC. Iron Fist, starring Finn Jones, will debut on Netflix with all thirteen episodes on Friday, March 17, 2017. Synopsis: Fifteen years after being presumed dead in a plane crash, Danny Rand (Finn Jones) mysteriously returns to New York City determined to reclaim his birthright and family company. However, when a long-destined enemy rises in New York, this living weapon is forced to choose between his family’s legacy and his duties as the Iron Fist.
Read MoreNYCC Panel Defenders on Netflex
Sigourney Weaver Will Play The Lead Villain In Marvel And Netflix’s THE DEFENDERS. Sigourney Weaver was introduced as the one person who could take on the Defenders by the NYCC Host and top TV Producer for Marvel Jeph Loeb. The Defenders starts shooting before the end of the year and will likely hit Netflix next September or October. To call that an exciting prospect is an understatement, especially as we’ve been waiting to see the team assemble since Marvel and Netflix announced these shows back in 2013. Finn Jones (Iron…
Read MoreDan Slott and Galactus In His Silver Surfer
Recently, Galactus was wrecking havoc in the Ultimate Marvel universe under the guiding pen of Josh Fialkov in The Hunger, but it sounds as if the Devourer of Worlds will return to the 616 in time for Dan Slott’s new Silver Surfer ongoing. Comic Vine caught up with Dan Slott at last weekend’s NYCC and asked the writer about the new series. Some new tidbits not previously mentioned include news about Galactus. “You can’t do a Surfer book without Galactus. When we get to the Galactus story you’ll see why,”…
Read MoreNYCC: Dan Slott Talks Silver Surfer
“Superior Spider-Man” writer Dan Slott visited CBR TV on Preview Day at New York Comic Con, sitting down with CBR’s Steve Sunu to discuss his just-announced All-New Marvel NOW! title with Mike Allred, “Silver Surfer.” The pair talk about Slott’s excitement for the character, how much he loves science fiction, how the book will appeal to fans of his “She-Hulk” work, why the Surfer no longer has to be lonely and why Mike Allred is the ideal artist for this Kirby-esque project. They wrap up the conversation with Slott speaking…
Read MoreSilver Surfer Series by Dan Slott and Mike Allred
Marvel announced a brand new Silver Surfer series coming in March from the dream creative team of Dan Slott and Mike Allred! After one of Marvel’s pre New York Comic Con teasers which promised something “Rad” coming to NYCC, today it was revealed that the book in question is Silver Surfer by Superior Spider-Man writer Dan Slott, and current FF artist Michael Allred. Slott told the NYCC crows that Silver Surfer was the first Marvel hero he ever read. At first he couldn’t pitch for it because his Spider-Man schedule…
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