Marvel announced a brand new Silver Surfer series coming in March from the dream creative team of Dan Slott and Mike Allred!
After one of Marvel’s pre New York Comic Con teasers which promised something “Rad” coming to NYCC, today it was revealed that the book in question is Silver Surfer by Superior Spider-Man writer Dan Slott, and current FF artist Michael Allred.
Slott told the NYCC crows that Silver Surfer was the first Marvel hero he ever read. At first he couldn’t pitch for it because his Spider-Man schedule wouldn’t allow it. No Surfer pitches stuck, so after a long conversation, Marvel editor Tom Brevoort asked Slott to write up the book. Brevoort picked Michael Allred as the perfect artist for a book that Slott calls, “the most insane Kirbyish of characters doing insane cosmic stuff.”
Mr. Slott wrote the script with Allred in mind, even though Allred wasn’t even on the book yet. Slott says Allred is the only Silver Surfer artist who really is a surfer. There will be a new female character involved, described as “a perfect Allred character.” After being the lone sentinel of the skyways for years, the Surfer meets an Earth girl who is a kindred spirit and she becomes the Surfer’s eyes to just how awesome the universe is.
Silver Surfer #1 is coming in March 2014. – SEE MORE ON DAN SLOTT AT –