Avengers Assemble is an upcoming animated series, based on the fictional Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers, which has been designed to capitalize on the success of the 2012 film adaptation. Avengers Assemble will premiere on May 26, 2013, on Disney XD. The series will be a replacement and a possible continuation for The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Jeph Loeb, Head of Marvel Television and a producer on the series, stated that the series is intended to closely echo the tone and feel of the 2012 The Avengers film.
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The Avengers Protocol, Pt. 1
Released May 26, 2013
When Captain America is apparently destroyed by Red Skull, Iron Man reunites the team to avenge him.
Iron Man joins Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Falcon as they assemble to fight the foes no single Super Hero could withstand! Now, they must battle a team comprised of the planet’s most dangerous villains, The Cabal, a group joined together under the leadership of The Red Skull!
Seemed very good but a little over the top with the Tony Stark show there are other people on the Avengers. Why isn’t Captain America leading.
The art is better then Mighty Avengers but a lot of Tony, Maybe story will get better