Avengers Assemble is an upcoming animated series, based on the fictional Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers, which has been designed to capitalize on the success of the 2012 film adaptation. Avengers Assemble will premiere on May 26, 2013, on Disney XD. The series will be a replacement and a possible continuation for The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Jeph Loeb, Head of Marvel Television and a producer on the series, stated that the series is intended to closely echo the tone and feel of the 2012 The Avengers film. Get…
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Disney XD’s Avengers Assemble and Hulk Agents of S.M.A.S.H.
Disney XD has announced premiere dates for its new animated series Marvel’s Avengers Assemble and Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. The successor to the cable channel’s popular The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Avengers Assemble will receive a preview Sunday, May 26 at 11 a.m. ET/PT before making its official premiere in the same time slot Sunday, July 7. Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. will debut Sunday, Aug. 11 at 11 a.m. Both are part of Disney XD’s Marvel Universe programming block. “Marvel’s Avengers Assemble” reunites the most popular…
Read MoreAvengers Assemble #7
With the Mad Titan, Thanos, out of the reach from Earth’s Mightiest – his quest for power and domination over the Marvel Universe continues in Avengers Assemble #7! But the Avengers won’t go down without a fight, and courtesy of Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley, they’re bringing the Guardians of the Galaxy with them! But can even their combined strength defeat Thanos with a cosmic cube in his possession? Find out in Avengers Assemble #7, hitting comic shops everywhere, the Marvel Comics app, and Marvel Digital Comic Shop this…
MEDIA RELEASE Albert Ching, Newsarama Staff Writer: Multiple outlets say that Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes will be ending its run on Disney XD after two seasons, in favor of a new animated series starting in 2013. Sources including Marvel TV News cite a “print only” press release stating the following: “The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes won’t be renewed for the 3rd Season. Marvel Animation will present their newly developed series Marvel’s Avengers Assemble in 2013.” The report came with a purported promotional image of Avengers Assemble, featuring the movie Avengers…
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