I did not think that the Marvel comic world could top 2007 in shaking things up with Civil War, World War Hulk, One More Day Spider-Man, and of course the death of an Icon: Captain America but they did a fair Job with A Brand New Day story line with Spider-Man without Mary Jane in his life. Plus the restart of the series with Thor and Asgard written by J. Michael Straczynski an outstanding writer. And the restart of the Hulk series introducing the Red Hulk a meaner more sinister Hulk written by Jeph Loeb drawn by Ed McGuiness. The Incredible series is taken over by Hercules of Marvel fame. Ed Brubaker’s introduction of Bucky as the new Captain America was a surprise. And the biggest shake up of all was Secret Invasion written by Brian Bendis, it runs through almost all the Marvel titles and the stories reflect on history of the past several years in New Avengers and Mighty Avengers and Fantastic Four and other titles. It was quite an amazing feat of Bendis to make the story work but he does just that, very remarkable. Marvel if not the best sure put their best foot forward this year. Quesada as has really done a great job letting loose the talent from Marvel the men and women have done an outstanding job creatively. Top this with the blockbuster release of Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk with more movies to come and finally forming their own studio production Marvel Entertainment. It looks like they have recovered fully from bankruptcy a few years ago.
DC Comics not to be out done finished the 52 weeks stories that continued the saga of universal Crisis that began in the 80’s with Crisis on Infinite Earths written by Marv Wolfman then followed by Zero Hour: Crisis in Time 1994 by Dan Jurgens and Identity Crisis 2004 by Brad Meltzer and Infinite Crisis 2005-2006 series by Geoff Johns and ending 2008-2009 with Final Crisis by the outstanding writer Grant Morrison, writer of the award winning series All Star Superman. This is the big one that will change the landscape of DC Comics for years to come with the fate of the DC Universe and it’s heroes in the balance. We have already seen the death of the Martian Manhunter, J’onn J’onzz a silver age hero and part of the Justice League. Barry Allen Flash has reappeared after years of absence. It stands to be a classic story and will be discussed for years I am sure.
The Justice Society of America story line has included the Kingdom Come Superman with art work and covers by Alex Ross and story by Geoff Johns in my opinion one of the best stories of 2008. Green Lantern series are getting ready for a major story called The Blackest Night. Batman’s fate is to be known in the sixth issue of Final Crisis. What DC Universe will arise from the ashes of Final Crisis remain to be seen. This is not to be undone from the biggest release of Super Hero Movie The Dark Knight that set records of which may never be topped.
All This overshadows the release of Dynamite Entertainment new series Project SUPERPOWERS. This powerful series is overseen by Alex Ross along with writer Jim Krueger and artist Carlos Paul. It is the restart of heroes of the Golden Age of writing they have all have been drawn and designed by Alex Ross, including Fighting Yank, Green Lama, The Death Defying ‘Devil, the Black Terror, Masquerade, The Flame, Mister Face, Samson, The Scarab, The Owl, the Claw, Pyroman, the Arrow, the American Spirit, the Crusaders, the F-Troop and more. It has been a bunker year for art and story in the comic world can it be topped in 2009 we shall see. Let me know what you think. Stay tuned comic faithful for MORE, 🙂 Walt