Portland’s Rose City Comic-Con Getting Bigger

Posted by Rich Johnston Ian Melton writes, Shaping up to be one of the big conventions this year Rose City Comic-Con will be held September 10th and 11th. The guest list boasts some of the biggest comic book creators around, and some who haven’t appeared at many other conventions this year, including Jonathan Hickman, Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Greg Rucka, Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon, Cullen Bunn, Matt Wagner, Howard Chaykin, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, and guest of honor Mike Mignola, just to well name a few.…

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POP! Goes the ICON “San Hannibal” Comes to a conclusion…

but did you even know it began?  “San Hannibal” by Dan Schkade and Jesse Snavlin is a noir treat in monochromatic colored splendor.  It follows a private detective Avery in his search for missing photojournalist Savannah Loy and all the mayhem lying in the wake of his search.  The story is set in a semi futuristic city called San Hannibal kinda has an LA vibe to it and it is wrought with political intrigue and vigilantism.  Other than the story the book is filled with the most powerful coloration which adds…

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Grant Morrison and the New Superman Relaunch

On June 11, 2011 at the LA Times’ Hero Complex Film Festival there was a brief discussion with DC Comics’ Geoff Johns and Jim Lee, who spoke about the recent announcements concerning DC’s comic books. Johns and Lee mainly took to addressing concerns and restating their excitement for the project. They really hammered home the idea that they are taking very great care to appease old readers while becoming more accessible for new ones. Johns also noted that the first arc of the JLA book he’s doing with Lee is…

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FlashPoint: What’s Happening to the DC Universe?

Wow, have we all become numb to the changes in the DCU in the past. What began in Marv Wolfman‘s 12-part maxi-series in 1985 Crisis on Infinite Earths when all things changed and the multiverse was simplified and characters changed, people and heroes died, is happening in Flashpoint. The title of the 1985 series was inspired by earlier crossover stories involving the multiple parallel Earths of the Multiverse, such as “Crisis on Earth-Two” and “Crisis on Earth-Three”, but instead of lasting two to five issues and involving members from many superhero…

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