Snyder-Cut Spoilers in Justice League #59

Zack Snyder Justice League movie is scheduled for release on HBO-Max on March 18th. There is a controversy on if the covers on the variant covers spoil the content of the movie. Well, the cats out of the bag, and many people have already seen the covers. At least one of the specially commissioned Snyder Cut covers, from Liam Sharp, Jim Lee, and Lee Bermejo may potentially feature a superheroic character who was cut from the original Joss Whedon Cut and is believed to have been put back in the…

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Veteran comic book creator Jim Starlin revealed in a Facebook post that Warner Bros. has provided him a royalty check for their use of his creation Anatoli Knyyazev/KGBeast in the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – and that the single check was for more money than he’s received from Marvel Studios for the use of all his creations combined, including Thanos, Drax, and Gamora. “Just received a very big check from D.C. Entertainment for my participation in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (Anatoli Knyyazev),” reads Starlin’s statement.…

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