Last weekend we had a chance to speak with Marvel’s writer Brian Michael Bendis and ask him some qustions about Marvel Comics and what he is doing plus we saw him at his teaching best in the panel “Teaching Comics with Bendis and Walker”.
Walt: Brian, who’s idea was it to kill Bruce Banner?
Bendis: That was my idea.
Walt: In the past the dymamic between Banner and his alter ego was part of a great over all story done so well by Pak and Aaron and others. Why would you end that with his death?
Bendis: I agree it has been a big part of the Marvel history but we did it to open up story lines for others like She Hulk, Amadeus Cho, Hawkeye and others.
Walt: Civil War II #3 was an amazing read where you took each participant from the trial of Hawkeye and then used their testamony to tell the story of Banner’s death through their eyes. It did a great job of telling the story through different peoples point of view. Is this non linear storytelling a way you like to write?
Bendis: Thanks for the kind words I appreciate that and I use whatever works and helps tell the story. All of the Civil War story will effect other books I recommend everyone read it.
Walt: No one really dies in comics is there a chance we might see Banner again in the future?
Bendis: Well there is always the possibility Marvel will choose to bring him back in the future but we have scripted comics 2 years ahead and he is not there.
Walt: From your early days with Marvel did you think they would ever succeed as they have knowing what a major part you had with your popular runs on Ultimate Spider-Man and the Avengers series?
Bendis: There were many others involved in the success of Marvel but I do appriciate your kind words and remember the fact they were selling the cabinets and office furniture just to survive back then. It took hard work by many to bring Marvel back.
Walt: I injoyed the TV series on Playstation Network “Powers”, are we going to see a second season?
Bendis: Yes it has been released for a second season you can reach it now on the platstation Network and Sony Network affiliates. I think the fans will like the series and what they have produced in the second season.
End of interview.
“Teaching Comics with Bendis and Walker”
For years now, Brian Michael Bendis has been passing on his wisdom through a class at PSU. This last year he was joined by rising star David Walker (Powerman & Iron Fist, Cyborg, Nighthawk). Both comic creators shared knowledge about the art of writing in the special comics lecture. The panel in room 6 was a discussion how writers and artists and editors and all participants work together to produce the best possible comic.
My visit to Portland’s Rose City Comic Con was a great experience and well worth the effort. See my other articles about the Comic Con and follow us on Comics Talk for more about the media we call comic books and pop culture. 🙂 Walt