![Endless War Graphic Novel](https://i0.wp.com/comicstalkblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/EndlessWar_cover-1024x755.jpg?resize=419%2C308&ssl=1)
This October, Marvel Comics Avengers team will confront the cold reality of “Endless Wartime” – a brand new original graphic novel by Warren Ellis and Mike McKone. A first for modern Marvel, the hardcover volume will take place in the modern continuity of the superteam’s world.
Ellis joined Executive Editor Tom Brevoort and Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso for the publisher’s latest “Next Big Thing” call, and things got started with an explanation of the book’s story.
“In the Eastern nation of Slorinia, a threat arises – a mysterious threat that is tied not only to a tech company that is providing hostile weapons to folks who shouldn’t have them but also that ties back to experiences Captain America has had in his past as well as Thor’s history,” Brevoort said of the story which he pitched as a “movie-like” adventure for the team.
“It occurs to me that my one contribution to the world of comics over the past 20 years will be the term OGN,” the writer joked, though he added that he was no responsible for the term “pamphlet.” Ellis said that he took the job because he’d been bugging staff at Marvel to do original graphic novels for years. “When they came to me and said they actually wanted to do this, it seemed silly to turn them down,” he said.
Ellis also took on the question of whether this counts as Marvel’s first original graphic novel, saying that no slight is meant to the longer works of the ’80s like Jim Starlin’s “Dreadstar” in the branding of this book as the first original graphic novel. Instead, this is the first fully fledged book as defined by the modern marketplace and the conventions of storytelling today. “There’s no faking it on this,” he said. “You either get it right or you don’t go the distance.”
Our first look at Marvel’s 110-pg original graphic novel, Avengers: Endless Wartime from Warren Ellis and Mike McKone. Releasing this October, it will be the first of many original graphic novels from the House of Ideas.
After the news of an upcoming, original graphic novel from Ellis and McKone, we have our very first preview of the book which will feature Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine and Captain Marvel. In an article over at Entertainment Weekly, it’s revealed that Avengers: Endless Wartime will be the first of many original graphic novels to come from Marvel, which hasn’t made any serious forays into OGN territory since the ’80s. An official press release confirms that actor Clark Gregg (The Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D.) will provide the introduction and Stan Lee will close the book with an afterword. Also included will be Marvel AR (Augmented Reality) and a free digital copy download.
AVENGERS: ENDLESS WARTIME (Original Graphic Novel)
release date: OCTOBER 2nd, 2013
An abomination, long thought buried, has resurfaced in a war-torn land. But now it wears an American flag. Faced with another nightmare reborn, Captain America will not stand for yet more death at the hands of a ghost from his past. Haunted by his greatest shame, Thor must renew the hunt for a familiar beast. At their side, an assemblage of allies united to end the threats no one of them could face alone. They are soldiers. Warriors. Comrades-in-arms. Mighty heroes led by a living legend, stronger together than apart. They are the Avengers.
Avengers: Endless Wartime is bookended by an introduction from Marvel’s The Avengers star Clark Gregg (better known as “Agent Phil Coulson”) and an afterword from the legendary Stan Lee, co-creator of this blockbuster super hero team.
Avengers: Endless Wartime features special augmented reality content available exclusive through the Marvel AR app – including cover recaps, behind the scenes features and more, as well as a bonus digital edition redeemable for reading via the Marvel Comics app (for iPhone®, iPad®, iPad Touch® & Android devices) and online in the Marvel Digital Comics Shop, all at no additional cost! CLICK ON PREVIEW TO ENLARGE
![Preview4 Preview4](https://i0.wp.com/comicstalkblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Preview4-198x300.jpg?resize=198%2C300&ssl=1)