Thor and Loki are brought to animation. The contentious relationship between Thor and his villainous brother Loki is explored in the new Marvel Knights cartoon “Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers.” The all-new four-episode series is debuting on iTunes, Xbox LIVE, and PlayStation Network on Monday, March 28th. After that, the episodes will debut weekly on Wednesdays beginning April 6th, with each high-definition episode priced at $2.99 ($1.99/episode for standard definition).
I recommend not missing this well done Epic battle between Thor and Loki.
Put away what you think you know about these Marvel characters and enjoy this well done animated presentation of Thor and Loki: Blood Brothers. If you are a fan of Marvel mythology with a great story and outstanding art check it out. Be there or be left out. Stay tuned comic faithful for more. 🙂 Walt