Marvel’s Friday teasers kick off with a particularly oblique and ominous use of the phrase THE END, presented in bright, glowing purple letters on the now-familiar black background complete with a hidden number 1. The listed creators — Dan Slott and Giuseppe Camuncoli — are best known for their work together on “Superior Spider-Man,” and the revelation of whatever project this is hyping will be revealed during the Superior Spidey panel at NYCC, so perhaps we’re about to witness the death of….the Prowler? Or, perhaps this is the final teaser for the show’s announcements?
Whatever the case, and whoever is about to find their story come to a conclusion, Comics Talk will be following the event, October 13 at 4PM Eastern

Remarks from CBR interview with with Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso:
CBR: We’re wrapping up with two teasers from Dan Slott, and I get the feeling these are ones that will definitely get people debating immediately.
Alonso: Oh yeah! We planned those teasers to drive people crazy.
CBR: With “The End,” we’ve got Dan and Giuseppe Camunicoli who have worked together on Spider-Man for a while. Is there any other way to read this than the finale of the “Superior Spider-Man” saga?
Alonso: Like I said, we expected that teaser to fuel such speculation. Does it confirm people’s suspicions…or is it a crafty red herring to drive people crazy? All I can say is that this is a huge story, and it’ll have people going, “Damn you, Dan! Damn you, Marvel!” END INTERVIEW
What does it all mean? Another way to spark comic book interest the Marvel way. We will have to wait and see.