Trinity War Coming To DC Comics

This week Pandora is featured in her own series as a tie-in to the main series Trinity War. Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1: The mysterious woman connected to the creation of the New 52 Pandora is on an action-packed, blood-soaked mission to hunt down the horrors she inadvertently unleashed upon the world. Can she save the DCU—and redeem herself in the process? A prequel to the upcoming “Trinity War”! Written by: Ray Fawkes, Art by: Daniel Sampere and Vicente Cifuentes, Cover by: Ryan Sook. She is a key figure in…

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DC’s ‘The New 52’ Mystery Lady In Red Name Revealed

According to the short story in Justice League #6 the mysterious lady in red who was introduced in Flashpoint #5 is named Pandora. I am sure it is a play on words from Greek mythologies Pandora’s box because the Phantom Stranger in the story asked for her to give him her box. In Greek mythology Pandora opened a box made by Zeus the king of Gods which contained all the evils of the world. She has knowledge far greater than a normal human but looks human except with distinctive marks…

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Solomon Grundy (Born on a Monday)

  Solomon Grundy 7 part series has to be one of this years sleeper story line in the comic world. In the one-shot Faces of Evil: Solomon Grundy (March 2009) by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins, Cyrus Gold returns to life in Slaughter Swamp, as he was prior to becoming Grundy. He returns to Gotham City, but is shot by police after attacking a charity worker. In the police morgue, he transforms into Solomon Grundy. Grundy is once more an unintelligent monster, repeating the opening line of the nursery rhyme.…

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