A sign of things to come? Despite all the rumors and finger pointing, it’s learned that Fox Studios and Marvel Studios apparently get along, or at least have a good enough relationship to swap characters. It’s learned that Fox and Marvel traded characters to be used in Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy 2, with Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Ego the Living Planet, respectively. Deadpool screenwriters Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese revealed the deal to Playlist. “We were looking down the list of the 400 [‘X-Men’] characters that Fox owns,…
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Marvel, DC, to Feature Gay Characters
Northstar revealed he was gay in the pages of Alpha Flight No. 106 in 1992. He was one of Marvel’s first characters to do so. Since then, numerous comic book heroes and villains have been identified as gay, lesbian or transgender. The decision to wed Kyle and Northstar in Astonishing X-Men #51 has brought with it a lot of controversy. Marjorie Liu is writing the series. She says the decision to have the pair marry was fitting, noting that the relationship between Kyle and Northstar has grown in recent years,…
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