Smallville Final, the special two-hour series finale airs on Friday, May 13th at 8pm EST on The CW. It is the culmination of 10 years of story to bring Clark Kent to the point he becomes Superman. Tomorrow night it will climax with the next stage of Clark’s life. Will he marry, will he fight Darkseid, will Oliver Queen turn against him, will Clark put on the suit, will he fly, and will he finally be called Superman. Recently reporters were allowed to see a sizzle reel made up of bits of the series finale and speak to producers/show runners Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson. Jenna Busch, Newsarama Contributor put all she learned about the visit in a report I would like to share that report with you so here goes.
If you’re reading this, the show probably means as much to you as it does to me. Because of that, I’m giving you all the juicy bits of what was a long interview. I know you’ll want to know it all. In that spirit, let me tell you what we saw. Granny Goodness (Christine Willes) tells Lutessa, better known as Tess (Cassidy Freeman) that the Apokolips is upon us. In fact, we see it heading towards Earth. (We even get a glimpse of Darkseid!) Lois (Erica Durance) is still having doubts about marrying Clark, though it will happen. She and Chloe (Allison Mack) share a scene at the Daily Planet where Chloe explains that Clark is not a god. He can’t listen to pleas for help all the time. He needs to rest and he needs someone to bring him back to Earth when he “takes to the skies.” (Have you read Mark Waid’s Irredeemable? I bet he’d agree.) Martha Kent (Annette O’Toole) lets Clark know that he wasn’t supposed to sell the farm, though they’re a few days from escrow. She says that you don’t have to let go of your past to have your future. Clark disagrees. Oh yes, we do get to see Pa Kent (Jonathan Schneider) again. But the big scenes were really between Clark (Tom Welling) and Lex (Michael Rosenbaum). It seems that Lex has reanimated himself with bits of the clones and he’s helping Clark rid the world of Darkseid. There is a car chase, a plane crash, Tess and Lex together, lightning during the wedding…and a glimpse of Clark floating. We didn’t see it, but I’m going to guess there is flying…in the suit. I don’t want to say any more. Seriously though…cut onions or something during the finale so you have an excuse for bawling.
As you can see it will be a very interesting Final Smallville. I am sure people will be talking about it for years to come. I am wondering how they are going to bring dead Pa Kent (Jonathan Schneider) to the wedding. Guess we will have to wait to see how that is done. I for one will be happy when all the questions are answered in the Final episode and the speculation will end. Make sure you set your DVR on the CW tomorrow at 8PM because I am sure you will want to see it again. Make room for me in front of the TV for all the action. Stay tuned comic faithful for more. 🙂 Walt