Do you remember when you first discovered The Dark Knight Returns? The beloved, influential tale that redefined Batman for a generation of readers celebrates its 30th Anniversary next year, so to commemorate the occasion DC asked a few of our friends to share their memories of Frank Miller’s classic comic. Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Klaus Janson, Jim Lee, Dan DiDio and many more discuss what just may be the world’s greatest graphic novel about the world’s greatest super hero.
Frank Miller woke up the comic world to Batman the super non super hero in the DC Comic world. If you haven’t ever read it where have you been? The Dark Knight Returns defines the character as he was in the mind of a great writer. The paneling and art told the story of Batman for all generations. It put him in the class of greatness he deserves as a force to be reckoned with in comics. Give us your thoughts on the Dark Knight Returns.
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns –
by Frank Miller (Author), Klaus Janson (Illustrator), Lynn Varley (Colorist)