The self proclaimed “Superior” Spider-Man has destroyed Shadowland and seemingly killed the Kingpin, and now Carlie Cooper is on the right track to proving that there’s something wrong with the man behind the mask. Check out this preview to see what we mean, then check this issue out on August the 7th.
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“Run, Goblin, Run!” Part 1 of 2
• What’s it like to be a villain in the Marvel Universe…once the Superior Spider-Man sets his sights on you?
• Find out, from Phil Urich’s point of view, in what might be the final days of the Hobgoblin.
• Plus, what is the secret of “The Tinkerer’s Apprentice”? Who’s been helping the Terrible Tinkerer? And how is he, of all people, the reason everything in Spider-Man’s life will be changed forever?!