The Wolverine premiered last week end by director James Mangold staring Hugh Jackman as Wolverine or Logan.
The Wolverine “Japan” saga has been a long time coming to the big screen. Written by Chris Claremont and with pencils by Frank Miller, the1982 miniseries has often been cited by Hugh Jackman as the Wolverine story he’s most wanted to see on the big screen. But what does Chris Claremont, the longtime X-Men writer, think of the film version of his tale? (Watch out for spoilers.)

“The first two acts were kick-ass, and they set this up to be a really exceptional, different movie,” Claremont tells Vulture. “It was like the film took this giant step forward. I liked that it focuses on the essence of who Wolverine is and what he does. Hugh Jackman is eloquent, and he owns the character at this point. It’s a surprisingly multidimensional performance.” But! “The third act wasn’t bad, per se, but it was a different tone,” continues the writer. “That moment he starts motorcycling up the 400 kilometers … he was almost riding into a different movie. It would be interesting to talk to [director James] Mangold and ask why they felt they had to go in that direction.”
Of course, Claremont had no say in the film (he doesn’t even get a credit for his original comic on which it’s based). But he appears to be at peace with that.
“The challenge always is, when a film goes from concept to execution, it evolves depending on who is directing and who’s writing,” he says. “As the creator of source material — corporate-owned source material that’s being developed by a rival corporation, no less — I have no say.”
Please stay tuned to Comics Talk for our review of the move The Wolverine and come back often for more movie and comic fun. 🙂 Walt