Thor: Tales of Asgard is a upcoming 2011 direct-to-video animated film based on the Marvel Comics character, Thor. It is eighth in a series of animated films produced by Marvel Animation and distributed by Lions Gate Entertainment. The film is directed by Sam Liu with a script written by Greg Johnson and is set to be released on DVD and Blu-ray on May 17, 2011, co-inciding with the early May release of Marvel Studios’ live-action Thor film.
Before he ever lifted his mighty hammer, there was the sword. Fantastic journeys beckon from the mysterious nine realms. Places of dark mists and fiery voids. Of winged creatures and giants in the ice. And the most alluring quest of all – the search for the legendary Lost Sword of Surtur. Hungry for adventure, Thor secretly embarks on the journey of a lifetime, joined by his loyal brother Loki, whose budding sorcery equips him with just enough magic to conjure up trouble, along with the Warriors Three – a band of boastful travelers reluctant to set sail on any adventure that might actually be dangerous. But what starts out as a harmless treasure hunt quickly turns deadly, and Thor must now prove himself worthy of the destiny he covets by saving Asgard itself.
This looks great thought I would share it for the Thor fans that are looking for the new Thor movie, Thor: Tales of Asgard is being released at the same time and may get lost in the shuffle. Also IGN has given links to all the great movies coming out in the next couple years thought I would show them to you just click MOVIES. Lots of good stuff coming out don’t miss out check the list. Stay tuned comic faithful for more. 🙂 Walt
Thor: Tales of Asgard LIONSGATE VIDEO Click Here
I really like your writing style, wonderful information, thankyou for posting : D.
[Awesome|Great|Wonderful] idea! Genious! Video