With the new year comes the new season of Comic Book Conventions. If you have never been I ask you one question, Why Not? They are all over the country theses days and there has to be one close to you. I will make a case for you to attend a major or minor convention near you. What is your preference in the entertainment world? Movies, comics, superheroes, collectibles, publishers, artist, writers, graphic novels, movie stars, TV programs, costumes, shows, previews, inside discussions, free stuff, interesting people, panels, and much more. You get inside information on movies, superheroes, comic books, artist, publishers, writers, and more just with the price of the ticket. There is memories that will last a life time and bargains that you won’t get in stores for the wise buyer of collectibles and printed publications and art work.
Comic Con has Star Trek, Star Wars, Superman, Spider-Man, videos, cartoons, animations, stars, and the people that make the visual and literary media work and so much more. I have been to San Diego Comic Con International and met movie stars walking the floor, and I have been to Wonder Con and went to some very interesting open panels and discussions about the entertainment world. Went last year to the Seattle version of Comic Con “Emerald City Comic Con” where I saw some of the most creative self made superhero costumes ever. Make it part of a vacation you will never forget. Plan to visit a convention near you. You will not regret it. Here is a link to some of the conventions for 2012 check it out here. Ask your comic shop what convention to see and when it is coming. Do a little home work and go have some fun.

We make plans to go to places on vacation we think we will enjoy spend too much money and can’t wait to get home. Try Comic Con this year and tell me of your experience. Share you memories of past conventions we our readers. Check it out and enjoy yourself. We are here for your entertainment information at Comics Talk. Stay tuned comic faithful for more. 🙂 Walt

Nice post I think I will go again this year and see comics close up.