This September begins the four-part weekly mini-series The Death of Wolverine written by Charles Soule with art by Steve McNiven.
As you guessed by the title, Marvel is killing off Wolverine in a story that sees Wolverine’s mutant healing power taken away.
It all begins in this Summer’s “3 Months to Die” story arc which culminates in September’s Death of Wolverine.
Death of Wolverine #1 hits on September 3rd with the 4th issue on September 24th.

“For a long time, no matter who Wolverine was battling, he’s been the eternal victor,” editor Mike Marts told EW. “He almost always comes out on top. Now he finally comes up against an adversary that he cannot win against, he cannot fight. What does that mean for this character who’s been around for hundred years?”
“I hope that when people finish it, they’ll feel like he died in a way that was true to him” Soule said, indicating that in his mind, at least, this is a definitive end for the character.. ”
“You’re gonna be entering into a world without Wolverine,” Editor Mike Marts told EW. “That affects not only his teammates, but also the Marvel Universe at large. We’ve got a lot of things in the works already.”
Look for more to be revealed about this from Comics Talk.