FANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary re-imagining of Marvel’s original and longest-running superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy. Fantastic Four | official trailer #2 7 August 2015 (USA)
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Marvel’s Original Sin: The Next Big Thing
IGN REPORT: Like it or not, the steady cycle of event comics at Marvel will continue in 2014. Last year, the publisher gave us Age of Ultron and Infinity as the two big, universe-spanning events. And it seems we’ll be getting at least one project of similar scope this year. Today Marvel announced their next big event mini-series, which will be called Original Sin. This event will revolve around the murder of the Watcher and the efforts of various Marvel heroes to uncover the identity of his killer. Original Sin…
Read MoreDC Announces Post-“Flashpoint” (CBR) has released what the DC Universe will look like after Flashpoint. It is very interesting”: In the wake of its summer “Flashpoint” event, DC Comics will re-number its entire superhero line, debuting more than 50 first issues in September while introducing “a more modern, diverse DC Universe.” The sweeping line-wide change debuts on Aug. 31, when the publisher releases just two comics — the final issue of “Flashpoint,” and the first issue of “Justice League,” under the new creative team of Geoff Johns and Jim Lee. According to…
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