Warner Bros. has released a new trailer announcing the extended cut of Suicide Squad. No further details about the content of the Suicide Squad Extended Cut were released, but it is most likely similar in concept to the Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition, which restored many scenes that were removed from the film’s theatrical release during editing. We know that much of Jared Leto’s performance as the Joker was cut from Suicide Squad’s theatrical release and that director David Ayer’s original cut of the film was heavily…
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Trailer 2 for “Suicide Squad”
Directed by David Ayer and starring Jared Leto, Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, Ben Affleck and many others, “Suicide Squad” hits screens on August 5. Amanda Waller has put together the baddest of the bad in this Suicide Squad. How can she control these baddies to do something good for society when they are crazy wicked from the maximum prison built just to hold them and others of their kind. How deserate is the government to use them. Are they expendible and how does Waller…
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In a recent interview, Australian actress Margot Robbie, who is playing bubblegum blowing, baseball bat wielding maniac Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad, was quick to praise her co-star Jared Leto. She says his performance as The Joker is “pretty impressive” and “what he’s doing with the character is so cool.” Leto’s appearance for The Joker is dramatically different than the character’s previous on-screen iterations. Robbie grew accustom to the Oscar-winner’s appearance and was more frightened Leto out of makeup on the set. “At first it was kind of confronting (to…
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