Published on Oct 15, 2013 From the creative minds of Zack Snyder (Man of Steel) and Bruce Timm (Superman: The Animated Series) and produced by Warner Bros. Animation, this short follows Superman through the years, from his first appearance on the cover of Action Comics #1 to Henry Cavill in this year’s Man of Steel…all in two minutes!
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Superman 75 Years Old Happy Anniversary
Superman is the icon of icons in the comic world and turns 75 this year. He is the most well know character in the world of fictional superheroes. Asked anyone of the civilized world who Superman is he will know or have heard of him. Who do you think you are Superman? People jest when you try something they thing beyond human abilities. All other fictional Super Creations or heroes are compared to him. He is the first and longest lasting in popularity in the entertainment media. Superman was created…
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