In these times of reflection of what’s really important in everyday life, the Corvid-19 virus has brought us as a society a moment to take account of our lives and what we offer each other in comfort in these troubling times. While we practice social distancing and self-quarantine we must encourage each other to stay the course and protect ourselves and our loved ones from this deadly disease. Gather as much accurate information you can and have extreme caution in how we interact with other people.
We are grateful for those medical professionals on the front lines and essential workers that must go to work every day in spite of the dangers of the virus. Meanwhile, the rest of us and the 13 to 20% of high-risk people for coronavirus must protect ourselves from the effects of the isolation till things get back to normal, whatever that is.
In the meantime, what do we do with our time at home? Some good ideas for those with children we can suggest playing board games have a school atmosphere with online learning to help with education. Also, minimize the time kids play with electronic devices to a couple hours a day. Have projects at home to peak their interest and perform chores at home. Make things fun and enjoy the time you spend with each other by taking an interest in what they like and communicate your wishes for the health and well being of everyone confined to home.
For those who are alone or couples with no children. Facetime with loved ones or communicate electronically at least once a day to someone. Break up your day with projects around the house and online courses or write that book you always wanted to start. Do something every day for yourself and your mate if you are a couple. Try something new or go back to the hobby you have always wanted to do. Make a package for charity with old clothes or things you no longer need.
For the entertainment side of life, the movie industry is making first-run movies available to the public, so we don’t have to congregate in movie theaters. Watch a series on Netflix or Hulu or on your favorite streaming channel. Old games are available on all the sports networks. Watched a re-run of Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf between Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer the other night. Many things to satisfy your entertainment needs are available. Facebook is great to see how families you know are doing in this crisis.
We are in this pandemic together, so keep the communication lines open, and we will get through this testing time together. Check on your friends that might be depressed in these times and uplift them with encouraging words for this time will pass, and we will get back to our old ways, maybe a little wiser for the experience. America has always risen to the task in tough times, and we will also be an example to the world how to come out stronger. Comics Talk wishes you the best in these times, and we encourage you to hang in there; we will prevail together.