Marvel Punisher on Netflix Released Same Day as Justice League

Netflix has set a November 17 premiere for Marvel Television’s The Punisher show. The announcement came was posted with a trailer for the show:

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November 17 is also the schedule theatrical debut of Warner Bros.’s Justice League, also with the Punisher debut, Marvel Comics has offered a new “TV variant” of The Punisher #218, which is scheduled to be released November 15. Two planned early October events with the cast and crew were canceled in light of the mass shooting in Las Vegas on October 1 by Marvel and Warner Bros. You are informed comic fan so plan your schedules accordingly.

One Thought to “Marvel Punisher on Netflix Released Same Day as Justice League”

  1. Michael J.

    I am sure that the release of the Punisher the same day as JL is not a coincidence everything is planed by these studios. Justice league better be good or else..

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