Captain America Dies Again? Fear Itself #3

Fear Itself #3

(Beware Major Spoilers) That “especially newsworthy development” is (turn away now if you haven’t heeded earlier warnings!) the apparent death of James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes — Marvel’s current Captain America — at the hands of Sin, the Red Skull’s daughter and successor to that title. Several months back, Fraction warned us that by the end of Fear Itself, Sin will have “done things that her dad tried to do time and time again and failed,” and it looks like that promise has paid off — not that Bucky hasn’t escaped certain death before.

Now, that’s not the only big thing that happened in the issue — we also saw The Thing become the seventh and final member of The Serpent’s Worthy, gaining a hammer and Krang-esque (Dimension X, not Atlantis) shoulder appendages, then subsequently destroying his Yancy Street stomping grounds. Newsarama talked about all of that with Fraction, Brubaker and Brevoort, plus what this means for Brubaker’s upcoming new Captain America series, and what lessons can be learned from 20/20 and Star Trek: The Next Generation.

This full story can be found in the article by Albert Ching, Newsarama Staff Writer, the full conversation with creators Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction for that link click here.

Marvel is at it again major changes in the land scape shake things up. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, the writers attack. The no holds barred approach in story arcs are nerve racking or very refreshing depends on your point of view. The mystery and intrigue is  going to make me buy the next issue. I guess that is what it is all about. So see you at the comic shop for my next copy of Fear Itself. Stay tuned comic faithful for more. 🙂 Walt

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