As a consequence of the ongoing security concerns in the area as law enforcement officials pursue a suspect in this week’s tragic Boston Marathon bombings and violence in nearby Watertown and at MIT, the Hynes Convention Center has suspended all events. Among those is of course the Boston Comic Con, scheduled for this weekend but now postponed until further notice.
The convention explained the situation in an update to the Comic Con’s website:
Due to the unfortunate events that have transpired here in Boston, a lock down has been put into effect until further notice, causing the Hynes Convention Center to suspend all events. As such, The Boston Comic Con will be rescheduled to a date in the not too distant future.
All people who purchased advanced tickets on line will have their tickets honored at the rescheduled show. If for some reason, you can not come to the show on that date, we will refund your ticket.
Please, we ask for your patience, understanding, and cooperation. We appreciate your loyalty, and continued support for the Boston Comic Con. Unfortunately, this situation is beyond our control.
The police engaged two suspects in a harrowing pursuit late Thursday night and early Friday morning that included explosions, exchanges of gunfire, a carjacking, the killing of 26-year-old MIT police officer Sean Collier, and the death of one of the two suspects. As such, on Friday morning Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis advised all residents to remain in their homes while authorities continued the manhunt for the remaining suspect, who’s considered to be very dangerous and still at large.
This is a public safety message from Comics Talk will let you know when the event is rescheduled.