It was recently announced that the popular Secret Wars mini is to become a new ongoing in the new Marvel NOW! relaunch, to be written by Gerry Gonway with art by Ryan Stegman. It looks like it might be in regular continuity after Secret Wars.

Renew Your Vows was the Secret Wars series that saw Peter Parker, Mary Jane and their daughter May Annie from a parallel universe where they remained married. It was very, very popular, The big bad, Regent was also somehow resurrected in the standard Marvel universe after the series ended.
There is confusion how it will bring back old memories with Mary Jane, Regent, and Spider-Man in Amazing Spider-Man. Will they exist in the same universe like Lois and Clark did on the DC side of comics, Who Knows.

Those fans that wanted Mary Jane and Peter married with child may get their wish. More coming as we find it out. 🙂 Walt
It’s like Mephisto never happened…
And yes, it seems very much like DC’s Lois And Clark. Who knows where it will lead….
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1 is Coming
Enjoyed the first issue, and now Marvel has made up for breaking up their marriage.