Newsarama is proud to show Alex Ross’ latest work – the cover to the upcoming Age of TV Heroes book by George Khoury and Jason Hofius, due in November from Two Morrows Publishing.
Originally Posted by Matt Brady
The subject of the book is pretty obvious, given the title, and the lineup – George Reeves, Superman; Adam West, Batman; Lynda Carter, Wonder Woman and Jackson Bostwick, Captain Marvel.
Look for more on the book in the coming months, and click the image for a larger version.
George Reeves, Superman; Adam West, Batman; Lynda Carter, Wonder Woman and Jackson Bostwick, Captain Marvel. It is like compairing apples and oranges there is such a difference between shows back then. Just look at Smallville and the direction that TV has gone. Corney vs well written. But that is where it all got started thanks George, Adam, Lynda and Jackson. They made it part of history.