Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman sequel will begin filming this summer at Warner Bros. Studios in Leavesden, England. The film reportedly has been given the working title “Magic Hour.” This may lead us to the possible content of the movie and the possible Villian.
One of the frequent foes of Wonder Woman is DC Comic’s villain Circe who was introduced in 1949’s Wonder Woman #37 as a wicked sorceress. All her powers were centered around magic. Looks like the logical choice given the title “Magic Hour.” There is also a rumor that Eva Green (Casino Royale, Penny Dreadful) is said to be eyed for the role. Elena Anaya was cast in the original film as Doctor Poison. There’s no clear indication the studio is looking to cast Green for the sequel.
Although plenty of rumors have swirled about Wonder Woman 2, including the era in which it’s set, few if any details have been confirmed. Jenkins said in January that the intention is for the sequel to be “totally different” from its acclaimed predecessor. There’s also little indication of what characters and actors will appear in the film.
Concidering all the directions they could go bringing to the big screen a formidable foe for Wonder Woman, Circe has always been a real challenge to the heroine’s abilities. There was one story where Circe magically changed her identity as Donna Milton a lawyer who befriended Diana (Wonder Woman) so she could kill her. She even hid her real conscience as Circe from Wonder Woman just in case she used the Lasso of Truth on her.
Whom ever they use as a villain we are in for a fun ride to get the Demi-God back in the movies. They have plenty of time to get this right with the release in theaters Nov. 1, 2019. Stay right here at Comics talk for the latest in comic related fun. 🙂 Walt
Don’t forget Doctor Fate uses magic as a lord of order