Zod’s dream of a united New Krypton – with houses El, Zod, and Kandor – are seemingly over in a preview of next week’s Superman #5. SUPERMAN #5 written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS art and cover by IVAN REIS and JOE PRADO variant cover by ADAM HUGHES What could tempt Kryptonian criminal General Zod to reenter the Phantom Zone after years of imprisonment? As Superman tries to free himself from the Kryptonian jail and fight off the monster who destroyed Krypton, Zod returns to face Rogol Zaar and get vengeance…
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New Justice league Posters and a New Trailer Is Confirmed For This Weekend
Warner Bros. has finally confirmed that the Justice League trailer is on the way and to celebrate, the studio has released an incredible series of character posters for the highly anticipated release… We’ve suspected for a while now that a new Justice League trailer would be with us in time to celebrate Comic-Con and that’s finally been made 100% official. The sneak peek is heading our way on Sunday and while we don’t have an exact time as of yet, we do know that it will be with us at…
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