When Barry went back in time to prevent his mother’s murder, he didn’t just save her from Reverse Flash — he created a whole new timeline. In a new trailer for “The Flash” Season 3, Barry approaches Cisco for help in correcting the “Flashpoint” timeline and explains exactly how he managed to create “a whole new existence.” Starring Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Carlos Valdes and more, “The Flash” returns to The CW on October 4 at 8 pm EST.
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Joss Whedon Rumored To Direct The Flash And Supergirl
According to a new rumor, Joss Whedon is going to direct The Flash and Supergirl musical crossover episodes, which was announced yesterday. The rumor may have some merit as Whedon recently let it be known that he is a big fan of The Flash series, and Grant Gustin also recently said he wants Joss Whedon to direct an episode of The Flash. Whedon also previously directed musical episodes for Buffy and Glee; the latter saw both Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist star in the series. The villain of The…
Read MoreThe Flash Season 3 Started Filming
Season 3 of The Flash is officially underway! Grant Gustin took to Instagram to post the news along with an image of himself from the first episode as Barry Allen. “Look who’s back. Baby faced Barry,” Gustin said and added the hashtags: “#Day1 #TheFlashSeason3” to the post. Regarding “Baby faced Barry” we know the first episode for The Flash Season 3 is titled “Flashpoint” as the Season 2 finale saw Barry go back in time to save his mother, which we expect to have massive ramifications on the timeline. It’s…
Read MoreThe Flash TV Show Trailers
The invasion of comic book heroes has started, with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Arrow both running weekly, but soon we will also see Gotham, Agent Carter, and Constantine invade the airways as well. Perhaps the most exciting in-development project of the bunch, however, is the Flash series that is currently in the works over at the CW. A TV show centered around scientist Barry Allen, who suffers a freak accident that turns him into a superhero with the power of incredible speed. Stars: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Rick Cosnett. Being…
Read MoreGrant Gustin Is The Flash On TV
Grant Gustin has been cast in the role of Barry Allen and is slated to appear in episodes 208, 209 and 220 of the second season of The CW’s Arrow, Warner Bros. Television announced Friday evening. “Barry Allen is a Central City assistant police forensic investigator who arrives in Starling to look into a series of unexplained robberies that may have a connection to a tragedy in his past,” reads the studio’s official description of the character. “A comic book fan boy, Barry is obsessed with the Arrow unaware that…
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