Injustice: Gods Among Us, known as Injustice: The Mighty Among Us in the Middle East region, is a fighting game based upon the fictional universe of DC Comics. The game was developed by NetherRealm Studios for the PlayStation 3, Wii U, and Xbox 360, and released in April 2013 in North America, Europe, and Australia. A new era in fighting games is coming. From the makers of Mortal Kombat – Injustice: Gods Among Us — Back to Games
- Overall score 8.1
- The Good:
So Injustice mostly stays faithful enough to its comic book roots, but how true does it stay to its Mortal Kombat ones? The short answer is: only as much as it needed too. All the best things about MK are present in spades. Beefy, high-impact hits that sound as brutal as they look, and long, satisfying juggle combos still abound, but so much more has changed for the better. Traditional direction-based blocking replaces the block button, making actual cross-ups possible. Throws are no longer a pure 50/50 mix-up like they are in MK9, thanks to a universal tech input. Combo breakers (renamed “clashes”) are only possible once per match now, and are part of a wider variety of useful ways to spend meter that make the decision to save it for an emergency a more meaningful one. This broadens the tactical possibilities for players at every level.
- The Bad:
As for the over-the-top stage changes, I have mixed feelings. Sure, it’s badass when Doomsday backhands Superman clean through a pair of skyscrapers in downtown Metropolis… but when mere mortal heroes like Batman or Green Arrow do the same exact thing, it just looks plain silly. I’m not trying to go nerd police here, but such moments undermine all the effort that clearly went into making these characters move and play like you’d imagine they should. Between that, and animations that look great one moment and jerky the next, the illusion of two superheroes clashing can crumble at times. It never keeps the fighting from being fun, but Injustice is so effective when it maintains that spell that I hate to see it broken.
When I first heard of Injustice I was quite skeptical about it, but at the same time it seemed interesting to me. I never was a big DC fan until this game came out. I first downloaded the game demo on my Xbox 360 to see what it was like and I loved it! A short while after that, I bought the game.
This paragraph will tell you the pros and cons of this game. The pros are that it had outstanding graphics in gameplay, especially on a 1080p screen. Also when you play in the classic battle, for each character there is a different ending. This game also has a very interesting single player campaign. I am not going to go into detail for those of you who still have yet to play it. Some of the cons are that in order to get different outfits for you characters you must go to bonus features and then archives then go to costumes. It took me a while to figure this out but when I did I felt really happy. Another con is that when you go to unlock your costumes, the only ones available are the insurgency if it is a good character or regime if it is a bad one, otherwise you will have to buy the skins for your characters. The last con that I am going to say is that in order to get a couple of desired skins for characters you must download the game for free on any IOS device or android device. Once downloaded (which will take an hour or two) you must link it with your WB account that is hooked up to your console which allows you to play online. After that you tap on the little WB logo in the bottom right corner then see what is unlock able.
In conclusion If you are looking for a fun game to play with some of your friends or a game with a good campaign, then this is the game for you. on a scale of 10%-100% (10 being really bad and 100 being fantastic) I will give it a solid 90%. Thanks for reading! Seth