Since the original DC Animated Universe, which began with “Batman: The Animated Series,” ended with “Justice League Unlimited” in 2006, executive producer Bruce Timm has continued to tell stories with DC Comics characters by way of the DC Universe Animated line of direct-to-video titles. In that time, series including “Batman: The Brave and The Bold” and “Young Justice” kept the DC heroes on TV screens, but next year marks Timm’s return to series television with “Green Lantern: The Animated Series.”
Green Lantern, a DC Comics mainstay for more than 70 years, will be seen in an entirely new way when Warner Bros. Animation’s Green Lantern: The Animated Series — from world-renowned producer, artist and animator Bruce Timm comes to Cartoon Network in a one-hour special event. With stunning, stylized CG animation, Green Lantern: The Animated Series takes viewers on a journey of cosmic proportions as Hal Jordan and his band of heroes fight to save the universe. The special premieres Friday, Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. (ET, PT) as a precursor to the series debuting on Cartoon Network next year as part of the new DC Nation programming block.
This is one for the Green Lantern fans to check out DC and Bruce Timm at their best. It is great to see the DC Animated series come back to Television and bring us the inter galactic stories about Green Lantern. Set your TV DVR, made this for all ages. Looks like classic Hal Jordan cocky and taking chances to save the universe from the bad guys. This looks great please check out the video in this article. Let us know what you think. Stay tuned comic faithful for more. 🙂 Walt