Superman Unbound, based on Geoff Johns’ 2008 Action Comics story arc, finds the Man of Steel squaring off against the planet-destroying alien machine, Brainiac, while balancing his responsibilities to Lois Lane and cousin Kara (Supergirl). The voice cast includes White Collar’s Matt Bomer as Superman, Fringe’s John Noble as Brainiac and Castle’s Stana Katic and Molly Quinn as Lois and Kara, respectively. Superman Unbound will release on Blu-ray, DVD and later this year.
Animated Movie Confirmed: At the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con, actress Molly Quinn confirmed that she would be voicing Supergirl in an animated adaptation of the 2008 story arc Superman: Brainiac by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, stating that the film would be released in 2013. Matt Bomer will be voicing Clark Kent/Superman, along with Quinn’s Castle co-star Stana Katic as Lois Lane and John Noble as Brainiac.