When news broke the 60’s animated Batman series was being revived in a new film, fans could help but say “Holy smokes, Batman!” The iconic series showcases one of the hero’s most recognizable portrayals as Adam West famously voiced Gotham’s vigilante. Now, the first full trailer for Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders has dropped, and it’s bringing back all sorts of nostalgia for Batman fanatics.
The new film makes Batman more colorful – and campy – than ever in its first full trailer. The footage starts off by revealing the hero’s greatest villains have joined forces as Penguin, The Joker, Catwoman, and Riddler create chaos in Gotham. So, of course, Robin says what every fan is thinking when he tells Batman, “Holy unholy alliance! Our greatest foes have reunited!”
As the trailer continues, fans are introduced to the lighter, fun-filled romp that is 60’s Batman. The original series’ iconic theme song plays over the video, forcing fans to nod their heads along with its addictive beat. There are countless scenes which pay homage to the animated show as fans can see costume quick-changes and catch all of the characters’ abundant puns. The trailer even shows Robin and Batman tied down to a giant TV dinner try that’s headed into a massive oven, prompting Robin to exclaim, “Holy entree, Batman.” So, of course, Penguin responds with a pun about gravy – no, really.
So far, fans have agreed the trailer truly shines at the end. Making the animated series proud, Return of the Caped Crusaders takes time to warn fans about the dangers of jaywalking even though the Dynamic Duo are out hunting criminals. After all, if Batman can wait for a crosswalk signal to change, then so can fans.
The trailer also reveals the film’s DVD box art and confirms the title will be available on Digital HD, Blu-Ray, and DVD. Return of the Caped Crusaders will be up for download on October 11th and then become available in physical copy on November 1st.
And, most importantly, the film finds several original actors reprising their roles from the animated series. Obviously, Adam West has returned to voice Batman while Burt Ward and Julie Newmar revive Robin and Catwoman respectively.
If you want to learn more about the new feature-length film, then feel free to check out its official synopsis below:
“It’s back to the 1960s as Batman and Robin spring into action when Gotham City is threatened by a quartet of Batman’s most fiendish foes – Penguin, The Joker, Riddler and Catwoman. This time, the four Super-Villains have combined their wicked talents to hatch a plot so nefarious that the Dynamic Duo will need to go to outer space (and back) to foil their arch enemies and restore order in Gotham City. It’s a truly fantastic adventure that will pit good against evil, good against good, evil against evil … and feature two words that exponentially raise the stakes for both sides: Replicator Ray. Holy Multiplication Tables!”
Megan Peters @ComicBook.com